Look up the prices of adult daycare centers and nursing homes.

Look up the prices of adult daycare centers and nursing homes.

Part 1

Follow the weblink to the Genworth Research page. https://www.genworth.com/corporate/about-genworth/industry-expertise/cost-of-care.html

Look up the prices of adult daycare centers and nursing homes.

Write down the average cost for each of the services

Utilize these figures in your calculation. Hint: https://www.payingforseniorcare.com/longtermcare/find_adult_day_care.html

Look up the prices in Florida and New York as a reference.

Is it more expensive in Florida or New York ?

Are the labor costs greater in Florida or New York?

Is the cost of living higher in Florida or New York?

Do these factors have anything to do with the cost of elderly services?

Part 2

Scenario:Your spouse is 70 years old and they just received a diagnosis of dementia.Considering that you will be needing 7 years of nursing home and 4 years of adult day care services.Considering the age and extent of the disease process, Calculate what the total cost will be utilizing 5 days/week for the daycare cost. Your spouse worked most of their life and was able to save $650,000 for retirement.

Read the scenario above.

Will this be enough money to pay for these services? (Remember: Daycare – 5 days/week and 52 weeks/years, and 7 days a week for Nursing Home/365 days a year).

Comment on the prospects below:

Will you have enough money saved?

Are you sorry you did not pay for long-term insurance?

Answer preview Look up the prices of adult daycare centers and nursing homes.

Look up the prices of adult daycare centers and nursing homes.


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