Write a brief essay that draws comparisons between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
Using the assigned readings and any other sources, write a brief essay that draws comparisons between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Your assignment must be at least 250 words.
Your essay should briefly address each of the following in both periods:
Social life
Vocal Music
Instrumental Music
Please note the following policies for MUS 121 regarding research writing: kand must include in-text citations and a Works Cited list, even if you use only the textbook. Either Chicago or MLA citation styles are acceptable for this assignment. Please particularly note the following guidelines:
You must include a citation whenever you quote or paraphrase material from a source.
Either Chicago (footnotes) or MLA (parenthetical references) styles are acceptable for this assignment.
Both in-text references (footnotes or parenthetical references, depending on your citation style) and a final list of works cited (Bibliography or Works Cited) mustbe used. Simply listing sources at the end of the document is insufficient.
Simply listing a URL (such as www.findresearchanswershere.
If you directly copy from a source word for word, you mustenclose the copied words in quotation marks and, as when rewording an idea, include an in-text citation.
Failure to properly cite sources is considered plagiarism, a serious academic offense.
Flagrant plagiarism, such as directly copying material word-for-word from a website or any other source without quotation marks, will not be tolerated and will result in an automatic grade of zero.
Answer preview Write a brief essay that draws comparisons between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
651 words