Topic: Repairing Windows Notebook Computer

Topic: Repairing Windows Notebook Computer

Topic: Repairing Windows Notebook Computer

Why do notebook computers cost more than desktop computers? (In your own opinion).

Other than price, what reasons might someone consider when deciding to buy a Windows notebook over an Apple notebook? (In your own opinion).

Why would you want to run diagnostic software after you have repaired a notebook and verified the repaired component does work? Elaborate.

To protect the user’s investments in time and money, before disassembling a notebook, what are two very important questions should a technician always ask the user? (In your own opinion).

If a notebook display has a broken inverter, is it worth replacing? Why or why not. (In your own opinion).

Which do you prefer operating system do you prefer; Apple, Linux, or Microsoft and why? (In your own opinion).

Which do you prefer laptop or desktop and why? (In your own opinion).

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Topic: Repairing Windows Notebook Computer


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