Some observers claim that partisanship in Congress has reached a level that is crippling the institution as an effective policymaking body

Some observers claim that partisanship in Congress has reached a level that is crippling the institution as an effective policymaking body

Some observers claim that partisanship in Congress has reached a level that is crippling the institution as an effective policymaking body. Party disputes on everything from healthcare to tax policy have produced legislative deadlock and delay. How valid is the argument that excessive partisanship is warping the congressional process, or is Congress working slowly as intended? Or should members of Congress should stick to their campaign promises to the voters who sent them there, regardless of the outcome?


Answer preview  Some observers claim that partisanship in Congress has reached a level that is crippling the institution as an effective policymaking body

Some observers claim that partisanship in Congress has reached a level that is crippling the institution as an effective policymaking body


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