Why is Uber rushing to put driverless vehicles into service

Why is Uber rushing to put driverless vehicles into service

#1 Read the following Article entitled:

Uber’s First Self-Driving Fleet Arrives in Pittsburg This Month

http://www.nextpittsburgh.com/business-tech-news/bloomberg-reports-ubers-first-self-driving-fleet-will-arrive-pittsburgh-month/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

A youtube video about this may also be helpful:


#2 Watch the following video by CGP Grey comparing the driving of humans and self-driving vehicles:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHzzSao6ypE&feature=youtu.be (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

#3 Discuss the following questions with your classmates on the discussion board

Discussion Questions

1. Why is Uber rushing to put driverless vehicles into service?

2. What are the positives of self-driving vehicles? What could go wrong? What are the possible risks from driverless ridesharing vehicles?

3. Ford has indicated it will develop a ridesharing service with driverless cars as well. Between companies like Uber, Ford, and Google, who do you think is best positioned to be successful at this business?

Answer preview Why is Uber rushing to put driverless vehicles into service

Why is Uber rushing to put driverless vehicles into service


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