Compare and contrast the writings, speeches, and work of Dubois and Washington

Compare and contrast the writings, speeches, and work of Dubois and Washington

All question must be answered in 4-5 paragraphs (1+ pages) with work cites as well. No cover pages needed.

1. Take one African American leader whom we have studied and carefully construct an argument for why that person was successful in reaching his or her goals. Include what the person’s goals were and make sure to have loads of context and appropriate detail.

2. Compare and contrast the writings, speeches, and work of Dubois and Washington. Be sure to include context and appropriate detail.

3. Choose one aspect of African American art or literature that we have studied or that is in your text. Explain what the historical context for this art or literature was, why it was important, and what its lasting impact is.

4. Give 2 examples for when and why the federal government and executive branch intervened with the civil rights movement of the 50’s, 60’s and possibly beyond. Include examples from school desegregation and other examples. Be sure to specify what time period you are talking about and who the key people were.

Answer preview Compare and contrast the writings, speeches, and work of Dubois and Washington

Compare and contrast the writings, speeches, and work of Dubois and Washington


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