Read the article listed below and do a research for an essay about the possible new planet of our solar system.

Read the article listed below and do a research for an essay about the possible new planet of our solar system.

Read the article listed below and do a research for an essay about the possible new planet of our solar system. (Links to an external site.)

The essay should address the following issues:

1. the current definition of a planet (is this the reason that Pluto got disqualified?)

2. the data/evidence lead Dr. Brown and Dr. Batygin to the “planet X” (list a part of their mathematic calculation),

3. what makes the “new planet” qualify to be a member of our solar system?

Hi, the essay should have equations and calculations.

Answer preview  Read the article listed below and do a research for an essay about the possible new planet of our solar system.

Read the article listed below and do a research for an essay about the possible new planet of our solar system.


424 words