What considerations are needed for senior adults suffering from respiratory illness

What considerations are needed for senior adults suffering from respiratory illness

(A) In compliance with my Project Details, write 15 pages of a master level that address the following:

· A significant statement of the purpose of the project.

· Need for the project, including literature support.

· The value of the project

· Literature review. (focus on this part)

· Methods to be used

(B) Describe the study type, and the best methods to be used to gather data, and analyze the collected data (last part of Project Details).

Projects Details:

Purpose :

My initial thoughts are to design protocol for doctors and nurses working in Primary Health Care Centers and in-Home Health Care Services to help their Senior adults’ patients get prepared. The protocol is meant for doctors and nurses to educate their senior adult patients suffering from respiratory issues about how, when, and what to prepare for a dust storm.

The need for the project:

A dust storm is ordinary in countries that are comprised of large portions of arid and semi-arid regions like Saudi Arabia. Some of these countries Some senior adults attend to Primary Health Care Centers, and some others stay at homes and expect their health care providers to visit them. Older adults are a vulnerable population. Adding to that the fact some of them suffering from a respiratory illness (Pollen allergies, asthma, COPD, etc.) and makes them more vulnerable population.

· The value of the project

The project is meant to design protocol for nurses and doctors working in Health Care Centers as well as in In-Home Care Setting. The nurses and doctors targeted for this project are primarily those that work on Home Health Care Services and Primary Health Care Centers. This medical guideline is supposed to help doctors and nurses educate senior adult patients, suffering from respiratory complications, on how to prepare for dust storm and what to do when the storm hit their surroundings. Besides, the project will help senior adults with respiratory diseases and/or their families to get prepared to a dust storm

Literature review.

Dig deep to discover what is known and unknown by answering the following questions

What is a dust storm?

What are the phases of a disaster?

Why is the preparedness phase of disaster significant? And how preparedness is important to help in community resilience, and prevention of disaster impacts?

How does dust storm impact people’s health?

Who are senior adults?

Why senior adults are vulnerable

What considerations are needed for senior adults suffering from respiratory illness

How to get prepared for a dust storm

How preparing senior adults is different from preparing the other vulnerable and invulnerable population

Why educating senior adults with respiratory illness to get prepared for a dust storm is worth to be conducted in Primary Health Care Centers and in in-Home Health Care Services setting.

Methods to be used

What best methods to be used gather data?

What statistics are best to be analyzed the collected data?

Why social media is preferred to reach public for the survey over other data collecting methods

Easy access through email to reach health care providers (physicians and nurses) of 60 primary health care centers and those assigned to do Home Care visits along region X will be the way to randomly distribute the survey that asses the knowledge and awareness of how to prepare senior adults with repertory illness to a d0isaster. The survey will also be randomized over nurses and physicians of two selected major hospitals out of the other 20 hospitals within the region X.

Another survey will be distributed to the public at region X through social media (i.e., Twitter, WhatsApp, and Snapchat) to measure the awareness of senior adults with reparatory diseases, /and or there family members, about how to be prepared for a dust storm. The survey will also determine if other factors may contribute or slow down the preparedness measures to get ready for a dust storm.

Answer preview  What considerations are needed for senior adults suffering from respiratory illness

What considerations are needed for senior adults suffering from respiratory illness


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