The U.S. Constitution provides the basis for creating federal administrative agencies

The U.S. Constitution provides the basis for creating federal administrative agencies

Prompt: Review the Article I U.S. Constitutional provisions.

1. If the power to enact laws is vested in Congress, how is it that there are so many federal agencies that enact regulations that carry the weight and power of law?

2. In addition, evaluate whether Congress should raise the mandatory minimum wage. Consider all aspects you deem relevant (constitutional, economic, etc.) THEN: Discuss which ethical framework would persuade you in an argument in favor of raising the minimum wage. Discuss which ethical framework would support a decision against raising the minimum wage.

Student four:

1. If the power to enact laws is vested in Congress, how is it that there are so many federal agencies that enact regulations that carry the weight and power of law?

One of the first sentence in our lesson this week states that “The U.S. Constitution provides the basis for creating federal administrative agencies”. The next sentence in our lesson states that “Article I Section 1 provides that all legislative powers granted in the document are provided to Congress”. Congress delegates its authority through agenesis and its called “delegation doctrine”. There is a “legislation that permits Congress to give power to an agency is called an enabling act”.

This allows Congress the right to create a agency and give them the powers to create laws. There’s all type of issues that arise with this, there are the informal and formal laws created by the independent and executive agencies. Our lesson this week goes over that these agencies do not have “unlimited powers” and can make up whatever crazy laws they want. Its called the “limitation of powers”. Our lesson shows how they are broken up into three section:


Executive Branch

Appointment authority

Office of Management and Budget

Executive Orders

Legislative Branch

Oversight power

Investigative power

Power to terminate/shut down the agency

Power to not approve nominations made by the Executive Branch

Judicial Branch

Power to reverse the agency’s decision

Power to modify the agency’s decision

This allows some type of limitation within each other.

2. In addition, evaluate whether Congress should raise the mandatory minimum wage.

I personally don’t think the minimum wage should be raised. I think raising the wages allows people to get lazy and depend on the minimum in life. If you want a better life, do better in life. Go out and get a better job. If that means getting an education or certificate or license, then go get one. Raising the minimum wage, will not solve issues, just create more.

The only way, I would agree to raise the minimum wage would be for the people who got an education or learned a skilled trade. If I received my masters, went to work for whatever organization, I would expect a higher wage because I earned it

Like I stated above, I personally think the minimum wage is there for a reason, to make people go out and earn more than that or suffer and life the minimum wage life. It forces the invisible hand of economics and pushes people to open up business, where they excel at and not settle for the same job as the rest.

I hope everyone has a great rest of your week,


Walter Pyle


(2019). Retrieved from

Answer preview The U.S. Constitution provides the basis for creating federal administrative agencies

The U.S. Constitution provides the basis for creating federal administrative agencies


148 words