Architecture seminar – looking backward – creative writing paper

Architecture seminar – looking backward – creative writing paper

Architecture seminar – looking backward – creative writing paper

Imagine looking back 50 years from the future.

The paper should include the following topics:

– Resilience
– Equity

The paper is considered creative writing, non-fiction. It can be in first person, research or reflection.

*Minimum 3 sources (books)*

*3000 words*

*APA format*

Required book:

Looking Backward by Edward Bellamy


Below is an outline submitted for midterms


Outline: Looking Backward


– Looking back 50 years from the future would reveal some tremendous changes in the field of architecture.

– Human beings would have made some considerable changes in various aspects of architecture including sustainability, resilience, and equity.


– Looking back 50 years from the future would reveal some changes in the three principles of sustainability.

– Under the economic pillar, people would have made huge steps in terms of the economics of architecture (Bellamy, 2003).

– Socially, people would have created more social facilities which would have improved their social status.

– Architects will be responsible for developing sustainable buildings.


– Non-architects will be in a position to address problems in the field of architecture.

– The advancement in the level of technology will have allowed people to develop a high level of resilience (Armijo, 2012).

– People will be able to handle various spheres of life including the economics and the social aspect of architecture.

– The resilience levels would be critical at helping people to overcome different problems and challenges in life.


– Equity refers to the quality of being impartial.

– Looking 50 years from the future, people would have become more impartial in the architectural field.

– Equity as a concept would have dominated most architectural institutions and organizations (Jenks & Dempsey, 2005).

– It would also be the basis upon which the society would be formed.


– 50 years from the future would be dominated by significant advancement in all aspects of life.

– Most people would be embracing equity as a concept and this means that the society would be more impartial.

– Moreover, resilience levels would have grown to greater levels.

– Most of the economies and people would be in a pole position to sustain themselves.


Armijo, L. E. (Ed.). (2012). Debating the global financial architecture. SUNY Press.

Bellamy, E. (2003). Looking Backward: 2000-1887. Broadview Press.

Jamieson, Claire & Robinson, Dickon & Worthington, John & Cole, Caroline. (2011). The future for Architects?

Jenks, M., & Dempsey, N. (2005). Future forms and design for sustainable cities. Routledge.

Answer preview  Architecture seminar – looking backward – creative writing paperArchitecture seminar - looking backward - creative writing paper


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