Are people who show narcissistic personality traits or present narcissistic personality disorder prone to developing violent/aggressive behaviors

Are people who show narcissistic personality traits or present narcissistic personality disorder prone to developing violent/aggressive behaviors

Are people who show narcissistic personality traits or present narcissistic personality disorder prone to developing violent/aggressive behaviors?

In a nutshell: I need a 7-page psychology research paper on the topic above. I need you to consult the literature that I am sending you (which is relevant to this topic), about 7-8 research paper articles. Then I need you to present evidence FOR and AGAINST different positions, but make sure that everything you state in the paper is DATA BASED and CITED.

This is not a subjective paper. Your opinion doesn’t matter. Be careful not to inject your opinion into the coverage. Remember to remain as neutral and balanced as possible.


1. Format:

Paper length should be 7 pages, Times New Roman 12-point font, 1” margins, don’t add in any weird hard returns to make the paper longer etc. Note the page length does NOT include the title page, abstract or references. Pages should be numbered per APA style. The paper should be APA style, including running head, abstract, in-text citations and references.

2. Flow:

Your paper should flow, both from one paragraph to the next, as well as in overall organization structure in a way that makes sense. It should not be merely a bunch of unconnected paragraphs about a bunch of different studies found in the literature I sent you. It should all weave together into a sensible narrative.



DO NOT engage in exaggerated claims or hyperbole. Don’t use clichés like “In today’s society…” to start your sentences or paragraphs. Don’t use casual phrases.

DO NOT use I, we, or you in your narrative.

DO NOT direct quote. Always put descriptions into your own words with a proper citation for the source.

If you have any questions, let me know! I need this done in one day.

Answer preview Are people who show narcissistic personality traits or present narcissistic personality disorder prone to developing violent/aggressive behaviorsAre people who show narcissistic personality traits or present narcissistic personality disorder prone to developing violent aggressive behaviors

2180 words