You are to do some independent research on activities people engage in to promote positive emotional health and reduce the negative impact of stress

You are to do some independent research on activities people engage in to promote positive emotional health and reduce the negative impact of stress

For this discussion, you are to do some independent research on activities people engage in to promote positive emotional health and reduce the negative impact of stress (e.g., meditation, yoga, tai chi, acupuncture). You can choose any activity you like – physical, spiritual, or holistic – from any culture or society. Your report should reference at least two appropriate sources outside of your classroom reading (e.g., journal articles, books, websites – Wikipedia is NOT an appropriate source). Write a 2-3 paragraph report on your chosen activity. Make sure your posts include the information below.


Description: Provide the name, definition, and detailed description of your chosen activity, and the society or culture where your activity originated and/or where it is most commonly practiced.

Analysis: Using information from your classroom readings and at least two appropriate sources outside of your classroom reading, discuss how this activity is believed to promote positive emotional health and reduce the negative impact of stress. Explain the connection between this activity and at least one topic included in Chapter 3’s reading (e.g., physiology of affect, responses to stress, etc.)

Opinion: What is your opinion about your chosen stress busting method? Also include any details you care to share about your personal experience with this activity (if any).

Answer preview You are to do some independent research on activities people engage in to promote positive emotional health and reduce the negative impact of stress

You are to do some independent research on activities people engage in to promote positive emotional health and reduce the negative impact of stress


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