The maker’s eye: Revising your own writingThe maker’s eye: Revising your own writing

The maker’s eye: Revising your own writing

For this discussion, answer A and B. Read the following essay.

A. Murray, D. (2014) The maker’s eye: Revising your own writing. In G.H. Muller (Ed.), The McGraw-Hill Reader: Issues Across the Disciplines pp. 109-113. New York. NY: McGraw-Hill. p. 113, “Writing,” Question 3: Writing an Argument: Murray suggests that revision is actually “fun” (paragraph 24).

Do you agree or disagree? Write [a response] defending your position.

Be sure to quote and cite Murray when writing your response.

Read the article carefully. Answer the question associated with the reading. (150+ words)

B. Next, describe your process in revising your paper. Did you begin with higher order (content, sources, organization) or lower order (grammar, word choice) concerns? What was the largest challenge in completing the task? What one thing about research do you believe is still challenging? What one thing did you learn that you are most proud of? (150+ words)

Answer preview  The maker’s eye: Revising your own writing

The maker’s eye Revising your own writingAPA

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