Public health is an essential function of the government on a par with, and for reasons similar to, national defense and law enforcement.

Public health is an essential function of the government on a par with, and for reasons similar to, national defense and law enforcement.

Public health is an essential function of the government on a par with, and for reasons similar to, national defense and law enforcement. Specific public health needs, such as sanitation systems and clean water, cannot be met by individuals acting alone. The government is required to organize community efforts as well as compel cooperation when necessary; otherwise, individuals would be free to benefit from, but not contribute to, the resulting public good.

Considering the above, respond to the following:

What are the key roles for government in serving the public’s health? Why?


Post your response to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Respond to at least two posts by the end of the week.

Give examples and reasons in support of your responses.

Write your initial response in 300–500 words.

Answer preview  Public health is an essential function of the government on a par with, and for reasons similar to, national defense and law enforcement.

Public health is an essential function of the government on a par with, and for reasons similar to, national defense and law enforcement.


332 words