Do the findings of the seven studies support the two-visual-stream-hypothesis

Do the findings of the seven studies support the two-visual-stream-hypothesis

APA-Do the findings of the seven studies support the two-visual-stream-hypothesis (also known as the perception-action hypothesis?

The aim of this essay is to critically evaluate the seven studies provided and assess if the evidence supports the two-visual-stream-hypothesis. This needs to go beyond merely summarizing what is in the provided articles, to constructing a sound argument based on the provided literature.

Word limit

The word limit is 2000 NO 10 leeway! There is a penalty for having over or under 2000 words. The final word count should be stated clearly and accurately on your title page. The title page and reference list do not count towards the total. All other words are counted. Assessments exceeding the 2000 word limit will not be read past the 2000th word. Which may have implications for marks associated with the later parts of the document e.g. Conclusion

Marking details

This assignment weighs 50% of the final grade. Your essay will be marked against the criteria specified in the marking and feedback sheet (provided in a separate document) and will receive a mark out of 50. The marking criteria include; –‐ Introduction (9 marks) –‐ Main body (16 marks) –‐ Conclusion (9 marks) –‐ Literacy & written communication (8 marks), –‐ Presentation & APA style referencing (8 marks) Please refer to the marking and feedback sheet for more details. The essay does not require an abstract.

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Do the findings of the seven studies support the two-visual-stream-hypothesis


2179 words