Write a 3 page ( single spaced) policy memo recommending a domestic violence initiative.

Write a 3 page ( single spaced) policy memo recommending a domestic violence initiative.

Part 1 : Write a 3 page ( single spaced) policy memo recommending a domestic violence initiative. Make sure to identify your audience in the header (e.g. legislators, corrections department, non-profit).

Part 2:1200+ words,single spaced. should include the following

No Visible Bruises review (That is a book)and summary. You can consider questions such as: What were the strengths and weaknesses of the book? Was the evidence provided persuasive? Did you have any previous thoughts about domestic violence that changed after reading it? Were there any particular parts that stood out to you and why? How does the topics brought up fit into the political/legal/practical landscape?

Written creative description. Describe what you chose to do for your creative element. You can consider questions such as: Why did you choose that viewpoint/initiative? What from the text inspired or informed that choice? Why did you choose the medium used? How was your viewpoint expressed in your project? Did you encounter any issues during the process?

The review and description can be separated or blended together. You can use outside sources, if helpful.

Final notes.

You can choose formatting, but if you are trying to decide between single/double spaced: I prefer single spaced. Written pieces should be submitted in pdf.

Sources/quotes must be cited. Students may use their preferred official method of citation (e.g. MLA, APA, Harvard). Chosen method must be consistent within the assignment. Word count requirements do not include title pages or reference/works cited pages.

Part 1 (if written) should be submitted within the Blackboard portal, Part 2 must be submitted through Blackboard. If you are experiencing significant Blackboard difficulties, you may email the assignment to me directly to establish a time-stamp, but it should still be submitted via Blackboard as soon as possible.

11 hours ago

account_balance usc–

This is all my reading summaries. Hopefully, that will help you understand what I am studying right now.

Answer preview to Write a 3 page ( single spaced) policy memo recommending a domestic violence initiative.


Write a 3 page ( single spaced) policy memo recommending a domestic violence initiative.


1829 words