For the final assignment in the”Lord of the Flies”unit,you will write a comparison essay.We will watch the movie

For the final assignment in the”Lord of the Flies”unit,you will write a comparison essay.We will watch the movie

lord of the Flies:Comparison Essay

For the final assignment in the”Lord of the Flies”unit,you will write a comparison essay.We

will watch the movie :Castaway and you will compare elements that are the same from the

movie and Lord of the Flies.


1.Must be written in formal language

a.No use of the first person(you cannot use:l,we,you,etc.)

b.No use of contractions(can’t,won’t,wouldn’t,etc.)or slang

2.Must include a clear thesis statement and follow proper essay format

3.Length:at least 1000 words

4.Must be TYPED AND DOUBLE SPACED(written on a computer)in SIZE 11 FONT

5.Must use proper citation for any examples from the text(ex:quotations,examples,etc),

all examples must be from the novel”Lord of the Flies”

6.Must include a TITLE PAGE and WORKS CITED

Some ideas to help you get started:

Answer preview For the final assignment in the”Lord of the Flies”unit,you will write a comparison essay.We will watch the movie

For the final assignment in the Lord of the Flies unit you will write a comparison essay.We will watch the movie


1170 words