There are three (3) mandatory “eligibility” requirements for employees wishing to take FMLA leave.

There are three (3) mandatory “eligibility” requirements for employees wishing to take FMLA leave.

Formatting is: 1” margins all around, double spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font.

It has to be one and a half page for each question. Total of 5 pages

Question 1:

There are three (3) mandatory “eligibility” requirements for employees wishing to take FMLA leave. First, in your own words, identify those three requirements in detail. Then, locate a case where a court ruled that the employee did not meet one of the three requirements and explain the court’s reasoning.

Question 2:

Employees wishing to take FMLA leave can do so for a variety of reasons. First, identify the most common reasons an employee may request FMLA leave. Then, describe what steps an employee must take to request FMLA leave. Finally, what must an employer do when presented with a request from an employee? May an employer deny FMLA leave? If so, when?

Question 3:

FMLA leave requires a “serious health condition.” First, in your own words, describe what has to happen before it can be determined that an employee, or a family member of an employee, suffers from a “serious health condition.” Then, find a case where an employer challenged whether an employee or family member actually suffered from a “serious health condition” and explain the court’s decision and reasoning.

Answer preview There are three (3) mandatory “eligibility” requirements for employees wishing to take FMLA leave.

There are three (3) mandatory eligibility requirements for employees wishing to take FMLA leave.

1888 words