Describe the situation where you experienced an attempt to persuade you.

Describe the situation where you experienced an attempt to persuade you.

For this week’s discussion, you are to watch The Science of Persuasion video at (influenceatwork, 2012) to learn more about the six principles of persuasion: reciprocation, scarcity, authority, consistency, liking, and consensus; more details about these principles can be reviewed here (“Cialdini’s Six Principles”, n.d.).  Then reflect on a time when you experienced someone attempting to persuade you to do something you didn’t want to do by using one or more of these principles (this could be a sales situation, but it doesn’t have to be) and analyze this situation for use of the principles of persuasion.  Make sure your posts include the information below.


Description: Describe the situation where you experienced an attempt to persuade you.

Analysis: Using information from the video and/or article included in this discussion, and any other references you would like to include, name, describe, and analyze the principles that were used in the attempt to persuade you.

Opinion: Describe how you responded to the attempted persuasion.  Did it work?  Why or why not? How does it make you feel to have such tactics used to manipulate your behavior?


Cialdini’s six principles of influence.  (n.d.).  Retrieved from

influenceatwork. ( 2012, November 26). Science of persuasion [Video file].  Retrieved from


Answer preview Describe the situation where you experienced an attempt to persuade you.

Describe the situation where you experienced an attempt to persuade you.


531 words