You are to document your own or someone else’s deviation from a social norm

You are to document your own or someone else’s deviation from a social norm

This week, you are to document your own or someone else’s deviation from a social norm. To do this, you will identify one social norm to which most people conform (if you need help coming up with some examples of social norms, check out this list Now deviate from this social norm in a public situation for long enough to come into contact with several people, but don’t put yourself in any danger. If you can’t bring yourself to deviate from a social norm, you may report on someone else’s deviation from a social norm that you have personally witnessed (recently or in the past). Make sure your posts include the information below.


Social Norm Description: Name and describe your chosen social norm, and explain if this norm is related to a specific group and/or setting.

Deviation Description: Describe the deviant behavior you engaged in or observed and the behavior of the other people who witnessed the deviation.

Analysis: Using information from your classroom readings, and any other references you want to include, relate the deviant behavior you documented to a social psychological theory or topic that you’ve learned about in this class.

Opinion: In your opinion, why do you think people conform to this particular social norm? How did you feel while you were deviating or observing the deviation from this social norm?

Answer preview You are to document your own or someone else’s deviation from a social norm

You are to document your own or someone else’s deviation from a social norm


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