Choose a policy issue or question related to HS/HD as the topic of the research paper.

Choose a policy issue or question related to HS/HD as the topic of the research paper.

Choose a policy issue or question related to HS/HD as the topic of the research paper. The issue or question must be one that is integral and salient to the HS/HD community, and preferably one that is personally relevant to you and the position in which you serve.

The research paper should reflect high quality research and reasoning in addressing each of the following components of the paper:

The situational, organizational, and environmental context of the issue or question.

The research paper should balance comprehensiveness and conciseness.

The program has chosen to use the APA style of writing.

The challenge(s) and/or problem(s) inherently associated with the issue or question.

Your examination, evaluation, and analysis of the issue or question.

Leadership or management decisions and actions necessary by policymakers, government leaders, and/or military commanders to deal with the issue or question.

Grammar is important. Professionals are expected to be able to communicate well with other professionals.

The length should be between 10 and 15 pages (not including title page, abstract and references). Use APA style, New Times Roman 12 font with 1” margins. The topic must be related to the material . You should have at least 10 references, 6 from peer-reviewed journals; try to keep within last 5 years.

Final Paper Outline: In anticipation of your final paper, you will be required to prepare an outline in WORD document, with references. This assignment will be an opportunity to work together, as a class, to develop a better final paper

Guidelines for Paper Outline

Abstract – An overview of the paper topic, importance of the topic etc. Begin your abstract with “The purpose of this discussion is to…”

Targeted topics – Sample paper subheadings, major areas to be covered in your paper. Use bullets to help separate each subheading.

Selected references – cite at least three at this point (but will need to cite more in final paper)

Expected conclusions – what you expect at this point, recognizing that your final conclusions may be different; expect to discuss the difference(s) in your final paper

Answer preview Choose a policy issue or question related to HS/HD as the topic of the research paper.

Choose a policy issue or question related to HS HD as the topic of the research paper.


3774 words