What were the three major crises in Israel that the prophetic literature responds to?

What were the three major crises in Israel that the prophetic literature responds to?

Question #1

Please list two or three of your favorite proverbs from the Book of Proverbs.

Then, find some proverbs from the African tribal religions.

Are these proverbs from the Book of Proverbs similar in any ways to the other proverbs you have found? Are they different? What conclusions can you draw from this comparison?

This answer must be at least 300 words.

Question #2

The Prophetic Literature I: An Introduction to Prophetic Literature and the Book of Isaiah

Read: Tullock, J., & McEntire, M., (2012) Chapter 10 -The Old Testament Story (During Israel’s final days God spoke to his people through men who were prepared to go to great lengths to warn Israel that its sin would bring judgment and that redemption was available to a repentant people.) Isaiah

1. What were the three major crises in Israel that the prophetic literature responds to?

2. Do you think Isaiah’s advice to Ahaz in the Syro-Ephraimitic crisis was sound? Explain your answer.

3. How did Hezekiah prepare for a possible invasion by the Assyrians during Sennacherib’s reign?

4. What are the five major sections into which Isaiah 1-39 can be divided, and what is the central idea in each part?

5. What are the Servant Songs?

Question #3

The Prophetic Literature II: The Scrolls of Jeremiah and Ezekiel

Read: Tullock, J., & McEntire, M., (2012) Chapter 11 -The Old Testament Story (A weeping prophet, a valley of dry bones and a temple beyond description. ) Jeremiah & Ezekiel

6. What is unusual about Jeremiah’s call to be a prophet?

7. What advice did Jeremiah give the exiles, and why did he feel it necessary to give such advice?

8. What appears to be Ezekiel’s understanding of his call experience?

9. Compare Ezekiel’s view of individual responsibility to that of Jeremiah.

10. What was the meaning of Ezekiel’s vision in the valley of dry bones?

Question #4

The Prophetic Literature III: The Book of the Twelve and the Continuation of the Prophetic Tradition

Read: Tullock, J., & McEntire, M., (2012) Chapter 12 -The Old Testament Story (Lesser known prophets continue the message of judgement and restoration found in the “big three” (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel) Hosea through Malachi

11. What problems are raised by God’s command to Hosea to marry a prostitute? How do different biblical interpreters address this problem?

12. What do the Oracles Against the Nations (Amos 1:3-2:5) say about Amos’s doctrine of God?

13. Compare Isaiah’s attitude toward Jerusalem with that of Micah.

14. Why might Habakkuk be considered an early Jewish philosopher?

15. How does the Book of Twelve function as a single book made up of twelve little books?

Answer preview What were the three major crises in Israel that the prophetic literature responds to?

What were the three major crises in Israel that the prophetic literature responds to?


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