Choose your weakest paragraph from your research paper’s body paragraphs. Then, using the strategies discussed in Paramedic Method, as well as your own judgment, re-write that paragraph

Choose your weakest paragraph from your research paper’s body paragraphs. Then, using the strategies discussed in Paramedic Method, as well as your own judgment, re-write that paragraph

Part 1: Choose your weakest paragraph from your research paper’s body paragraphs. Then, using the strategies discussed in Paramedic Method, as well as your own judgment, re-write that paragraph. Then, in at least 100 words, explain why you made the changes that you did and how you hope these changes will affect the effectiveness of your essay.….

Part 2: Respond to the two sources that I have included regarding everyone’s favorite punctuation mark, the comma. Discuss two specific things that you learned about commas, as well as your own experience/struggle with comma usage (remember, it’s a problem for most people, regardless of education, experience, etc.). Also, you may want to explain which source was more helpful to you as well as any additional grammar resources that you like to use.

Both responses should be at least 250 words, and you have until 8:00 pm ET on Thursday, July 25 to respond.

Answer preview Choose your weakest paragraph from your research paper’s body paragraphs. Then, using the strategies discussed in Paramedic Method, as well as your own judgment, re-write that paragraph

Choose your weakest paragraph from your research paper's body paragraphs. Then using the strategies discussed in Paramedic Method as well as your own judgment re-write that paragraph


592 words