What determinants of health are associated with the illnesses that sister Mary Joseph Praise and other characters faced?

What determinants of health are associated with the illnesses that sister Mary Joseph Praise and other characters faced?


Part 2 – (pages 113-183) [Please note that pages may vary depending on the format and edition of your book]

Write a discussion essay on the question below:

In the issues raised in Cutting for stone (so far In the first 3 chapters): What determinants of health are associated with the illnesses that sister Mary Joseph Praise and other characters faced?

What do you think could change in order to alter or influence in a positive manner the outcome of ill health (think in terms of changing or intervention to influence the determinant of health). Provide specific examples (cite the page when citing an example from the book).

When you write your essay, describe the context and provide specific examples from the chapters. Although the discussion question is asking for examples from the first 3 chapters, you are welcome to provide examples from the other section as long as you provide the citation (chapters and page numbers required)

The minimum number of words for this assignment is 400

Include page numbers if you cite from the book “Cutting for Stone”

Cite all information that is not your own in APA style. You can find more information on citation here: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/

Include a reference list at the end of the discussion in APA style

Here is rubric used to grade this section.IHS 2215_Discussion Essay Rubric_II(12).pdf

Answer preview What determinants of health are associated with the illnesses that sister Mary Joseph Praise and other characters faced?

What determinants of health are associated with the illnesses that sister Mary Joseph Praise and other characters faced?


447 words