The sensation indicates our five senses which are to smell, hear, see, feel, and taste.

The sensation indicates our five senses which are to smell, hear, see, feel, and taste.

1. The sensation indicates our five senses which are to smell, hear, see, feel, and taste. And perception is the tool that we send those senses to our brain. I would say the relationship between sensation and perception is like the one between ingredients and food. Our five senses are ingredients that each piece of ingredient has not been combined or cooked to be served. But once we cook all the ingredients, it creates one combined food which clearly shows its shape and identity. Therefore, perception is the final stage that we processed our senses through our brain.
After reading about perception, I have been able to understand how perception can be broken down into smaller pieces. We normally did not think about how we process the perception occured from our senses. But, it was a very productive time to realize how our perception can carry information based on our sense throughout this chapter.
2. Perception can be variable due to the diversity of individuals’ characteristics. We all have different points of view starting from our birth. As all the cells in our body are not as same as others have in their bodies, we can find so much differences in each other. For example, those who travel a lot during their life time are more likely to be open-minded and have a broader understanding to other cultures. But, someone who has not been outside of his or her cultural background is more like to stick to her own cultures and perceive other cultures based on her own values. Likewise, different experiences and circumstances in life make the difference of perceptions that each individual contains.
3. While I was watching this video, I was focusing on how many times the basketball is passing through people as I was told to do it. But, at the end of the video, I realized that there was something unordinary happened. A gorilla appeared in the video, but I was not able to see it since I was concentrating on my main mission. Therefore, I realized how our brain can overlook something if we are obsessed with something completely.

Answer preview The sensation indicates our five senses which are to smell, hear, see, feel, and taste.

The sensation indicates our five senses which are to smell hear see feel and taste.


153 words