Complete a Library Scavenger Hunt assignment. 

Complete a Library Scavenger Hunt assignment.

This week you are to complete a Library Scavenger Hunt assignment. Through this exercise, you will practice your research and documentation skills. You may complete this assignment by using either online or library resources.

To successfully complete the library research assignment, you must answer each of the questions on the Library Scavenger Hunt document (accessible, as an attachment, through the Week Five link above). Your grade on this assignment is based on how you answer each question and how you document your sources.

In addition to the MLA documentation information provided in your textbook’s Appendix, you should also reference the External Links section of your course to access updated information on MLA documentation through the “MLA Formatting and Style Guide.” Refer to this resource, your Lectures – Week Five folder, and your course textbook’s Appendix when responding to the questions within the Library Scavenger Hunt assignment. As mentioned above, your grade on this assignment is also dependent upon how you document your sources (the “MLA Formatting and Style Guide” and the textbook’s Appendix will tell you how to properly cite your sources using MLA documentation guidelines).

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Complete a Library Scavenger Hunt assignment. 


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