Brief sentences summarizing the contents of the reference listed above it in the bibliography

Brief sentences summarizing the contents of the reference listed above it in the bibliography

An annotated bibliography is basically the same as any works cited or references page but, and there is one big difference: after each reference, there are a few brief sentences summarizing the contents of the reference listed above it in the bibliography. The bibliography is still a list of sources in alphabetical order, but the difference is the summary of the article, book, or any other source appears immediately below the MLA reference–and this is called the annotation, hence an “annotated” bibliography. If you have any questions, Google annotated bibliography examples and look at one or more. To save time and be working on your documented essay at the same time, there is some logic to using the research items for Magical Realism for this assignment. You will be working on your documented essay as you do so, as well as meeting the requirements for this week’s assignment. As always, if you have even the smallest question, please email the instructor. There is an example of an annotated bibliography posted in the Module 7 materials.


Answer preview Brief sentences summarizing the contents of the reference listed above it in the bibliographyBrief sentences summarizing the contents of the reference listed above it in the bibliography

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