Organizational development and change discussion 1-2 pages

Organizational development and change discussion 1-2 pages

ORG 6011 Organizational development and change discussion 1-2 pages and 1 page responses

After reviewing the contents of chapter 7 and the additional reading Head, Heart and Hands of a Change, offer any point(s) of interest you learned, gleaned from the two pieces of published work. What jumped out at you from reading the article? What part of it intrigued you to adopt as an agent of change?

Make sure you support your thoughts with credible sources of information you may find via LIRN.

You will be graded using the University rubric and standards.

Please note that the response to the L.E. each week is due by Friday mid night for a total of 12 possible points and answers to peer posts (at least two of your class members) are due by Sunday midnight. 1st response maximum 7 possible points; 2nd response maximum 6 possible points.

21 hours ago


What jumped out at you from reading the article?

First and foremost, I hardly recognize the change begins at the top. In organizational change, the manager and executive action have a massive impact on the organization. All employees keep watching their work, instructions, and behavior, and they are influenced by their top, boss, and leader. Because of that, we have to understand the importance of communication and need to use that straightly as a good leader to make organizational change effectively. In recent years, gender regarding diversity is big the keyword of human resources in my country because the amount of old fashion style managers hasn’t changed their communication style, and that became the underutilizing situation of a genderless and diverse workforce.

What part of it intrigued you to adopt as an agent of change?

If I were an agent of change and leader of organizational change in my company, I would adopt a new communication channel like social media. According to the class materials, media has some benefits like”Concurrently handle many items of information, Provide rapid feedback, and Establish a personal focus (Lengel & Daft, 1988)”. Also, especially social media include the below abilities. “Increasing efficiency of information transfer, Seeking/giving employee voice, Facilitating collaboration, Supporting self-directed learning, and recruitment.” Using great groupware like a Microsoft office 365, our employees can connect each other beyond department, blanch, and position. In addition, the management team can get feedback rapidly. We are running the chain-store retail business, and dividing each store is a big problem of communication. Because of that, I want to adopt in house social media and use that for problem-solve like KFC’s case.

“From a business outcome, KFC can directly link Yammer campaigns to a 28 percent increase in safety incident reporting across its 642 restaurants in Australia. Just as importantly, engagement across the business is up 36 percent, and team members are feeling connected, according to SWOOP.”


Yammer is the voice for employees at KFC South Pacific. (n.d.). Retrieved from

354 words

6 mins ago

Taking care of people in the organization to be ready in every situation.


It is a symbol that represents knowledge, ideas, and guidelines. The goal for it is to develop people to have experience in various matters including business knowledge, by being responsible for the job or even to know about changes in the world that may affect work so that the company and other employees can prepare to work with change. Including the experience of living with social interaction with those around you and gaining the knowledge to deal with various problems that arise and being able to make changes to move forward.


Referring to methods, processes, and work skills. The organization must try to drive employees to practice and work together as a team. Not just setting goals, but they also must develop skills and expertise in the work for the employees by applying knowledge correctly and appropriately. They need to use as well as real benefits in which skills can be created through practice and continuous discipline, including love and dedication for the work as well.


Motivation, determination, patience in the workplace is critical to make everyone love the job they are doing; unity for oneness is considered the key to the organization’s being. Because it is an essential element to create real and lasting success, personnel must have a good understanding and attitude to work together. By seeing value and potential in yourself and workmate because when employees feel good about the environment, it will affect the driving force and create action. And ultimately causing better work efficiency.

Organizations must always remember that changes can occur all the time. Therefore, the organization must still learn to adapt. Even in a calm situation, it is necessary to prepare a plan to keep up with the changes continuously. Therefore, if all three elements are implemented, it will help the organization to have a more stable foundation. It makes development more comfortable to keep up with, and changes due to personnel are ready. Because all three elements are interlinked, but it needs to be taken care of and develop a suitable balance.

Communication affects organization

In a world in which everything is competitive and continually changing. Some organizations used to be successful business leaders. But as time went on, it became a losing business, and eventually, they had to give up the company. When you look at it, you can see that the factors affecting these changes are communication that can strengthen the organization. The weaker critical factors in connection are as follows

Gender, Power, and Emotion

Organizations need to understand the differences between employees, whether it’s gender, power, or even the emotional maturity that each person has. These factors have a high impact on the management of the organization. Because the organization has employees that are different in these areas, and each individual has both advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the organization must develop these personnel to work together. By extracting the effectiveness of each difference and using their strengths and reducing some things that are too much that may cause divisions in the organization. For example, some personnel are in high positions, and using too much power makes employees uncomfortable and not happy at work. They may need more training or improvement to reduce these problems, etc.

Every organization has a variety of personnel in which they must understand diversity, and management needs to rely on communication by setting goals and direction by doing this through brainstorming sessions as a team. They also need to see that exchanges within the organization that are open, equal, and direct will help lead the organization to success.



Hemering, J., Kilmann, J., & Matthew, D. (2018, November 5). The Head, Heart, and Hands of Transformation. Retrieved November 21, 2019, from

Palmer, I., Dunford, R., & Buchanan, D. A. (2017). Managing organizational change: a multiple perspectives approach. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.

6 mins ago

1. Point(s) of interest learned from the two pieces of published work.

The importance of communication

2. What jumped out at you from reading the article?

One important lesson that will stick with me for a very long time is the fact that manager must pass the right amount of information to employees while designing change communications to avoid problems that can occur due to the following:

Message overload: This occurs when am an employee is been engaged with multiple, simultaneous modes of interaction at the same time. An example is flooding an employee with too many emails, phone calls, texts, instant messages, and social media updates.

Message distortion: Message distortion occurs whenever a message sent by one communicator is interpreted differently by the person receiving the message. Complex and costly examples of message distortion often occur on the job when someone misinterprets instructions about completing a task.

Hierarchy is one main reason behind messages distortion in organizations. The power, authority, and status relationships inherent in the chain of command in any organization create an additional influence on the distortion of information.

message ambiguity: It refers to a statement that’s is capable of two or more often contradictory interpretations.

An effect manager must avoid the above mentioned when designing and implementing change communication.

3. What part of it intrigued you to adopt as an agent of change?

What caught my attention is the power of the communication process, it is a skill that every organizational leader or head of the department who desire to implement change in an organization must possess.

Communication is the transmission of a message from a sender to a receiver in an understandable manner. The importance of effective communication is immeasurable in the world of business and personal life. Effective communication is an absolute must because it commonly accounts for the difference between success and failure or profit and loss of a change program in an organization. Hence, effective business communication is critical to the successful operation of a modern enterprise. Every business person needs to understand the fundamentals of effective communication, why the change is necessary, and how it is to be achieved

It is the most critical component of total quality management. How individuals perceive and talk to each other at work about different issues is a major determinant of the business success as poor communication reduces quality, weakens productivity, and eventually leads to anger and a lack of trust among individuals within the organization (Christensen & Cornelissen, 2011)


Lars Thoger Christensen, Joep Comelissen, 2010. Bridging Corporate and Organizational Communication: Review, Development and a Look to the Future

Palmer, I., Dunford, R., & Buchanan, D. A. (2017). Managing organizational change: a multiple perspectives approach (3rd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Education.

Wyatt Warner Burke· 2008. Organization Change: Theory and Practice. Second edition.

467 words

5 mins ago


What jumped out at you from reading the article?


What matters here is how to communicate on “Change”, communication is the most important thing to drive the business. Communication is a tool of working relationships at all positions of an organization.

There are many benefits of communication skills that could achieve the organization’s goals such as build and maintain a relationship with all levels, assist innovation, builds an effective team, and managing employees.

Before you succeed in “Change”, you might face the things that affect change communication processes such as gender, power, emotion, and power of the language. For this week, I am interested in the emotion of people who has to change because it seems to me that emotion is complicated but if the leader or managers have a fully understand and skill could make a positive emotion happen to the organization.

What part of it intrigued you to adopt as an agent of change?

As far as I can see from the article of the body of change, I agree with the article that says about the change, “it’s like trying to change a tire on a moving car” because if we talking about change, most of the people will think negatively about it.

If I were an agent of change, I would adopt the concept of “The Arenas of Change: Not only is change a process that unfolds over time, change has to be worked through in three overlapping human arenas: the head, the heart, and the hands”(RHR International, 2019). As follows;

– The Head: talk about mindset, thinking, and problem-solving will help people to perceive and interpret change.

– The Heart: emotion and motivation always come with change, but we need to learn about human characteristics and find the answer, why people have that feeling including how to manage the emotion of change by checking yourself first.

– The Hands: transformation tools will help people change to the new behavior and processes, so they need to practice and get feedback.

There are many ideas that help effective organizational change such as teamwork, opens communication, participation in making a decision, and trust.


RHR International. (2019, May 28). The Body Of Change – Putting the Head, Heart and Hands of an Organization to Work. Retrieved November 21, 2019, from

Palmer, I., Dunford, R., & Buchanan, D. A. (2017). Managing organizational change: a multiple perspectives approach (3rd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Education.

407 words

Answer preview Organizational development and change discussion 1-2 pages

Organizational development and change discussion 1-2 pages


491 words