A continuity of operations plan is aimed at ensuring that agencies are able to continue with their normal operations

A continuity of operations plan is aimed at ensuring that agencies are able to continue with their normal operations

Discussion on Disaster Recovery

A continuity of operations plan is aimed at ensuring that agencies are able to continue with their normal operations in addition to performing their essential functions under a broad range of circumstances. The plan, therefore, outlines the manner in which it addresses emergencies for any hazard that has the potential to affect the operations of the organization in question. It therefore ensures that guidelines are set in place and there are the specifications of responsibilities that need to be undertaken by all the involved personnel in addition to ensuring that there is the establishment of policies that are aimed at ensuring that crucial functions of the organization do not cease to function in instances of disaster (Vuong, 2015). It also outlines measures that are aimed at ensuring that the organization resources and personnel are relocated with ease to an alternative facility in instances of the occurrence of emergencies. A business continuity plan, on the other hand, involves the process that is involved in the creation of systems that are aimed at the prevention and recovery that deal with the potential threats that have the potential to cause negative impacts in an organization. The plan, therefore, ensures that the processes that are involved in an organization continue even in instances of disaster. It, therefore, incorporates the measures, plans, and arrangements that are aimed at ensuring that there is continuous delivery of the crucial services and products that are offered by organizations in addition to providing a platform whereby the organization is able to recover data and assets that could have however lead to losses. Disaster recovery plan outlines tools, set of policies and procedures that need to be undertaken to enable both recovery and continuation of crucial infrastructure and technology and systems after there is an occurrence of disaster (Alshammari, & Alwan, 2016. It is important to note that disaster recovery planning is a part of business continuity planning and is mostly applied in aspects of an organization that is dependent on IT infrastructure to carry out their functions.

Answer preview A continuity of operations plan is aimed at ensuring that agencies are able to continue with their normal operations

A continuity of operations plan is aimed at ensuring that agencies are able to continue with their normal operations


131 words