Discuss how important influence  is in a child’s life

Discuss how important influence  is in a child’s life

1. Look at the healthcare professionals in the photo below. Who might they be and what might they be discussing? In what different ways are they communicating? Imagine that you are at this table. How can a class in medical terminology help you succeed in a meeting like this?

2. math class: As we end our topic on fractions, we will discuss how important “influence ” is in a child’s life. I want you to think about your childhood inspirational figure(s), who or what were they and how much have they influenced you to be the person you have become or are becoming.

In a one paragraph 6-8 sentences please explain

Who or What Your Inspiration was? Why were they your inspiration? What fractional percentage would they represent? (out of 100) i.e 30/100. Has your inspiration changed?

OPTIONAL****What was one lesson you learned and you’re willing to share?****OPTIONAL

Answer preview  Discuss how important influence  is in a child’s life

Discuss how important influence  is in a child's life


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