Compare and contrast the characteristics of classic and modern cryptography.

Compare and contrast the characteristics of classic and modern cryptography.

1) Compare and contrast the characteristics of classic and modern cryptography.

(Maximum: Half a Page, double-spaced)

(2) Describe the evolution of cryptography by listing the main four stages.
(Maximum: Half a Page, double-spaced)

3)Differentiate block ciphers from stream ciphers and contrast symmetric from asymmetric cryptography. Illustrate with examples. (Maximum: Half a Page, double spaced)


(a) Compare monoalphabetic and polyalphabetic ciphers.

(b) Using the Caesar Cipher method, crack this coded message – decrypt the ciphertext – WXWRULDO.

Illustrate your work.

(Maximum: Half a Page double space)

Answer preview Compare and contrast the characteristics of classic and modern cryptography.

Compare and contrast the characteristics of classic and modern cryptography.


775 words