A summary for company and one of their manager 

A summary for company and one of their manager

A summary for company and one of their manager

We have a interview for a manager. I need a summary for this company and this manager. The campnay is RC GAS(China Resources Gas. I will provide manager’s information here. Please combine all those ceontent in 2 pages. Please do company summary and manger summary in two different parts. Beside the manager information I provide, You can add any appropriate information for this manager like you wantXD

Manger information. After our team get together, we decided to choose Xiaodong Jia who is China Resources Gas Company, Jining Branch’ s vice president for our group interview leader. China Resources Gas mainly invests in urban gas business related to public life in mainland China, including pipeline gas, vehicle gas, bottled gas and gas appliances sales. Since China Resources Gas is one of the largest gas suppliers in China, we think it will be a good choice to interview a manager who is certainly working in there. We chose him also because he has a lot of experience about how to manage people and organization, he has very strong leadership skill. Xiaodong joined the company in 2001, then became a mid-level manager in 2011, and eventually joined the company’s top management team as president in 2018. In China Resources Gas Company (Jining Branch), finance department, human resources department, audit department, operations department, and investment department are all under Xiaodong charge.

Answer preview A summary for company and one of their manager

A summary for company and one of their manager 


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