As you develop the project, keep in mind that our focus in research is inquiry, not argumentation

As you develop the project, keep in mind that our focus in research is inquiry, not argumentation

As you develop the project, keep in mind that our focus in research is inquiry, not argumentation. Argumentation is a worthy area of study and is a focus of other courses you may take at the university. In your research project, however, your primary goal is to explore your research question with depth and sophistication rather than to persuade an audience of a particular viewpoint. While you will need to propose some sort of answer to your question in the final version of your project, that answer may be tentative. It may, for example, point in the direction of further questions and further research. It may identify contradictions in your research that are at this time irresolvable. Again, in writing this paper, focus on exploring, interpreting, and synthesizing ideas rather than on “defending” a thesis.

Answer preview As you develop the project, keep in mind that our focus in research is inquiry, not argumentation

As you develop the project keep in mind that our focus in research is inquiry not argumentation


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