Suggest one way the company(Coca-Cola) you researched could increase its level of value-creating diversification.

Suggest one way the company(Coca-Cola) you researched could increase its level of value-creating diversification.

This is a 2 part discussion question.

“Level of Value-Creating Diversification

1. Suggest one way the company(Coca-Cola) you researched could increase its level of value-creating diversification. Provide specific examples to support your response.

2. Building on the topic above, determine how diversified the company you research could become before it created a negative impact on the company’s bottom line. Explain your rationale.

“Fast Food Franchise”

1. Choose two fast food franchises and examine their facility layouts. Compare and discuss the differences in their layouts.

2. Evaluate how each of the layouts enhance or hinder productivity and the customer experience. Support your answer.

Answer preview Suggest one way the company(Coca-Cola) you researched could increase its level of value-creating diversification.

Suggest one way the company(Coca-Cola) you researched could increase its level of value-creating diversification.


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