How can the project team make the most out of the two approaches?

How can the project team make the most out of the two approaches?

The authors in the article, Blending Agile and Waterfall the Keys to a Successful Implementation(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., present their hypothesis that in the future, projects will use a combination of agile practices, with a traditional approach, usually associated with waterfall projects. This should become the dominant successful methodology, even despite the pressure for quick deliveries and the unstoppable growth of agile philosophy. The article includes specific recommendations on how to blend agile and waterfall approaches in aspects such as scope, schedule, communication, teams, and others.

The above reading “Blending Agile and Waterfall” is being provided to initiate thinking on the topic and create a framework for relevant issues that need to be covered. The students need to research further on the issues covered in the reading and analyze them in the context of what has been covered in this course so far.

Based on the above each student will write a Term Paper as follows (at a minimum):

Description of the latest research on Agile VS Waterfall.

How each of these impact project management and get impacted by in return.

What is the responsibility of a Project Manager/Project Team to select the right blend of the two approaches? Or should it be one alone? Please discuss with your rationale for each.

How can the project team make the most out of the two approaches?

Do you agree with the author’s statement/hypothesis below? Why/Why Not?

that in the future, projects will use a combination of agile practices, with a traditional approach, usually associated with waterfall projects. This should become the dominant successful methodology, even despite the pressure for quick deliveries and the unstoppable growth of agile philosophy. 

Your predictions for the future of selection of the approaches – agile vs traditional.

Your recommendation

Format: Typed, 12 point font, double-spaced, MS Word Format, 8-page limit, references and proper citations are required.

Answer preview How can the project team make the most out of the two approaches?

How can the project team make the most out of the two approaches?


2370 words