Wide variety of tools and technology used within the Information Technology Field.

Wide variety of tools and technology used within the Information Technology Field.

In this module you have the opportunity to learn about a wide variety of tools and technology used within the Information Technology Field. For this discussion, you will either choose one of the new tools or technologies you learned about in this module (SEE LINKS BELOW) or identify a tool or technology that you have used within your own experience.

Once you have selected a tool:

Describe what the tool is

How you could use or have used it

How you think it might be used by someone in a specific IT role or environment

In your response to 2 PEERS , suggest another environment, profession, or way the tool they described could be used.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric. (SEE ATTACHMENTS)




One of the security tools I came across in this module that looked interesting is the SpyBot. The SpyBot is a type of vulnerability management tool. It enables one e.g. security analyst, to constantly test their computer/network security. The tool helps to identify network threats such as hackers, viruses, trojans, adware, or malware by scanning the network computers hard disks and/or RAM for malicious software.

SpyBot is not only an antivirus software but also a spyware tool. This means, it helps stop one’s data from being sent out to third parties, protecting one’s privacy. There is a free and paid version of the software, with the paid version just having more features. The version to choose really depends on one’s needs. For a security analyst, whose job is to scan and respond to intrusions, a tool like the SpyBot would be an invaluable tool to have in their quest to protect an organization network. All in all, the tool is effective in scanning for intrusions, leaving one to know they are protected.


In my current role as a Technical Support Analyst, I interact with several useful software. In fact, from the creation of a ticket up through resolution, I interact with multiple systems. These tools allow me to complete my job in a thorough and timely manner. I have chosen to delve into the software I use daily from the beginning of my shift through the end. This software is called Salesforce.

Salesforce software is a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) solution. This means that this software consolidates customer information into a database that can be easily accessed by business users (Rouse, 2019). As a Technical Support Analyst, I am the “face” of my company. I am the one who answers when customers call, then turn calls into tickets to be resolved, and finally performs research on customer issues. Salesforce makes it easy to track the progress of tickets, create emails for customers, and link a business contact to a business among other things.

In a specific IT role, this software is invaluable. Most companies are in competition to retain customers, find custom solutions for new or existing issues, and provide outstanding customer service (Chang, 2019). Specifically, this software solution is beneficial for service management. Interestingly, our reading mentioned Salesforce. The article titled What is Help Desk Software? A Full Guide To Types, Features and Pricing praises Salesforce’s unified view (Chang, 2019). This software is useful for more than just ticket creation, emailing customers, and delivering a good customer experience. It allows for you to reference previously resolved, currently in progress, and even escalated tickets. This creates a much more efficient workflow that can empower employees and managers alike.

Answer preview Wide variety of tools and technology used within the Information Technology Field.

Wide variety of tools and technology used within the Information Technology Field.


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