Analyze key trends in sustainability among corporations through corporate social responsibility.

Analyze key trends in sustainability among corporations through corporate social responsibility.

The report requires students to analyze key trends in sustainability among corporations through corporate social responsibility. Thus, the report develops students’ business knowledge by requiring the
students to understand the concept of corporate social responsibility and how it benefits the various
communities’ corporations operate in.
This project develops students’ oral presentation skills. In addition, the project develops students’
written communication skills by requiring students to prepare concise written reports in order to defend
their analyses and conclusions.
1. Choose a corporation that has a corporate social responsibility program and drafts an annual
corporate social responsibility / sustainability report to its stakeholders.
2. Introduction of the company profile and what business they do.
3. Analyze the benefits of corporate social responsibility in general. Choose 3. Justify your answer
using the corporation you choose.
4. Analyze the limitations of corporate social responsibility in general. Choose 3. Justify your
answer using the corporation you choose.
5. Analyze the various corporate social responsibility activities that the corporation does (at least
3). Discuss whether you agree or disagree with the activities that your company appears to be
6. Conclusion
1. Your analysis must include page references to relevant portions of the annual reports, and the
relevant portions of the annual reports must be highlighted. Your report must also contain appropriate
quotation marks for quoted material and appropriate citations for material taken from sources outside
the financial statements.
3. Your analysis is around 6 pages and must be typed, double-spaced, and have at least a 11 or 12-point

The written projects are worth 10 points.
The projects will be reviewed for compliance with the basic requirements and for composition. Any
projects submitted without the entire annual reports, without appropriate page references to the
relevant portions of the annual reports, without appropriate highlighting of the relevant portions of the
annual reports, without appropriate citations for material taken from sources outside the annual
reports, and/or with excessive composition errors will be downgraded. Second, the papers will be
reviewed for content and will be graded using the following rubric
90-100%: The paper is well written, free of grammatical and other writing errors, and well organized.
The report addresses each of the issues specified in the requirements, uses appropriate examples to
illustrate concepts discussed, and integrates the annual report data with the narrative. The report
focuses on important items, demonstrates a thorough understanding of the relationships among
financial statement data, and is cohesive.
81-89.5%: The paper generally is well written but may have minor grammatical or other writing errors or
lack smooth transitions. The report addresses the issues specified in the requirements, demonstrates
understanding, and focuses mainly on important items, but does not fully synthesize the material being
discussed, and/or does not integrate the annual report data with the narrative.
71-79.5%: The paper does not have excessive grammatical or other writing errors. The report addresses
the issues specified in the requirements, but demonstrates only moderate understanding, and/or lacks
61-69.5%. The paper does not have excessive grammatical or other writing errors. The report addresses
the issues specified in the requirements, but demonstrates only minimal understanding of one or more
of the issues.
< 60%. The paper fails to meet the basic requirements, has excessive composition errors, and/or fails to
demonstrate understanding of two or more of the issues required to be discussed.
Objective: Using Powerpoint (or something equivalent), you are required to create a 5 minutes
presentation, i.e. you need to prepare 1-2 (not more!!) slides.
Oral Presentation (3 pts.)
The actual presentation should last approx. 5 minutes and you should allow a minute for questions and


In preparation for completing this Oral Presentation, the student is encouraged to consider the

• Designing the presentation by:

✓ Choosing a subject that addresses the needs of the subject matter.
✓ Researching the subject matter.

• Setting clear objectives for the presentation through consideration of:

✓ What goals are desired as a result of the presentation?
✓ What is the most effective way of attaining those goals?

• Developing an outline to meet the objectives of the presentation.

• Building audience attention and retention through the use of:

✓ Specific ways to develop rapport with the audience.
✓ Consideration of the appropriateness of using personal experiences.
✓ Visual aids (power point, charts, graphs, videos, slides, props, & illustration boards).
✓ Workbooks.
✓ Use of effective social work communication skills (including pauses).
✓ Audience participation exercises.

• Practicing the delivery of the presentation through:

✓ Recording (and reviewing) the presentation through use of a tape recorder or video
✓ Rehearsing in front of a mirror.
✓ Rehearsing in front of a family member, friend, or colleague who can give feedback.

• Anticipating problems that may be encountered during the presentation (e.g. interruptions,
questions from the audience that the presenter does not have an immediate answer for, time

• Preparing specific ways to respond to potential problems.

• When appropriate, encouraging audience feedback through:

✓ Written evaluation forms.
✓ Verbal comments.
✓ Ways to contact the presenter (e-mail address and phone number).

Answer preview  Analyze key trends in sustainability among corporations through corporate social responsibility.

Analyze key trends in sustainability among corporations through corporate social responsibility.


1794 words