5 Days X 4 Relational Maintenance Diaries

5 Days X 4 Relational Maintenance Diaries

This is supposed to be a daily diary of interactions but i need this submitted tonight so just make it seem like this has been logged throughout a few days. i attached the two readings that need to be used in this.

step 1: Track your media multiplexity for 5 days through writing a brief diary of who you communicated with and maintained availability with that day. You will turn in these diary notes along with your essay.

  1. Pick 4 people to track your communication with over 5 days. (just make it up for the sake of time obviously). Pick a variety of tie strengths for this exercise, but you should select people who you regularly talk with on at least one medium. You will use the same 4 people across all 5 days.
  2. In the evening of each day, think back to those 4 people and your communication with them. In total, you will have a total of 20 diary entries (5 days x 4 people per day).
  3. For each person above, document the following:
    1. Your relationship with the person (e.g., friend, BFF, parent, coworker, stranger).
    2. Your tie strength with this person.
    3. Time and place of communication.
    4. What media you communicate on that day (include face-to-face)
    5. Justification for keeping availability.
    6. Briefly describe strategies used to for availability.
    7. Any effect, positive or negative, is associated with the maintenance of availability.
    8. Any interference with your relationship or daily life from being available.
  4. There is a blank form below to help you with the diaries.

Step 2: Describe and analyze your media diaries through concepts discussed in the readings in a 4 to 5-page essay. Draw out larger themes based on your diaries about interpersonal communication, relational maintenance, social capital, and availability that you see from your diary entries. Answer the question “What is new about relationship maintenance because of digital media?”

Your analysis should have a clear thesis about the implications of being always on for personal relationships that is grounded in academic research and theories discussed in class. Each paragraph should have a main point, and all terms from the course should be defined in your own words. Although the essay will require some description of the materials in your diaries, the majority of the essay should relate to an argument you are making about living in a complicated web of interpersonal media and being “always on, always available.”

– You are required to cite at least 2 academic papers from our class reading list in APA 6th (or 7th) edition. Do not use outside sources

You will turn in:
1. 1-page single space Self-Reflection

a. Address the following questions

  1. What about this assignment worked well for you?
  2. What about this assignment was hard for you?

1. This information can be about the assignment itself or other

situations going on in your life that may have affected your ability

to perform to the best of your ability on this assignment.

  1. What did you learn from this assignment?
  2. Where do you think you need the most feedback on this assignment?

2. A 4 to 5-page essay that makes an argument about relational maintenance in the digital age.

3. References

I tip good for great work