5 7 Page Eastern Michigan University Coworker Re
This paper should contain three major parts. 1. In the first part, you are to describe the nature of the relationship. Who are the participants? What is the setting? What type of relationship (e.g., romantic, friendship, family, or coworker)? In this part of the paper, you also should describe the development of the relationship using Knapp and Vangelisti’s (2008) Staircase Model of Relationship Stages (in Guerrero et al., 2020, pp. 134-146) or Baxter and Bullis’ (1985) Turning Point Analysis (in Guerrero et al., 2020, pp. 146-150). Be sure to describe any important changes in the nature of the relationship and tie these changes to the concepts covered in Guerrero et al. (2020). 2. In the second major part of the paper, you are to apply at least one of the theoretical positions covered in Guerrero et al. (2020, pp. 99-126) to your relationship. Your task in this part is to explain the development of the relationship in terms of these theories. How do these theories describe/explain the changes in your relationship? Were the predictions that each theory makes consistent with what occurred in your relationship? If you use both uncertainty reduction and predicted outcome value, try to show how their different predictions are relevant to your relationship. 3. In the third and final (and typically shortest) part of the paper, you are to evaluate the theory discussed in your paper. The major evaluative criterion should be how easy or difficult you found it to describe or explain the changes in your relationship using that theory. Are the theories easy or difficult to apply to an actual relationship? In addition, are the theories’ predictions consistent with what went on in your relationship? If not, is this a problem with the theory? What kinds of changes would you recommend the developers make to their theory (if any)?
This paper is worth a maximum of 80 points. Grading will focus on the extent to which you achieve the goals of each of the three parts of the paper. Evaluation centers, first, on the completeness of the description, application, and/or evaluation. This represents the extent to which you describe theoretical positions accurately and the extent to which you effectively integrate course material into the descriptions or evaluations. In addition, the overall presentation of the paper (i.e., spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.) will be evaluated. Relationship papers must be double-spaced, use standard margins (i.e., 1 inch on all sides), use 12-point Times New Roman font, and should not exceed 10 pages in length (not including tables, figures, graphs, references, etc., if any). Given the nature of the assignment, it does not seem that this paper could be less than 3 or 4 pages and still be complete. I expect that relationship papers will generally be in the 5–7 page range. Evaluation centers, first, on the completeness of the description, application, and/or evaluation. This represents the extent to which you describe theoretical positions accurately, and the extent to which you effectively integrate course material into the descriptions or evaluations. In addition, the overall presentation of the paper (i.e., spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.) will be evaluated. For more information, see the rubric on Canvas. Relationship papers must be double-spaced, use standard margins (i.e., 1 inch on all sides), use 12-point Times New Roman (or equivalent) font, and should not exceed 10 pages in length (not including tables