
  Subject: Introduction to Civil Engineering Technology


You are required to review a professional journal related to civil engineering. Find an article related to the topic you plan to use for your presentation.  Choose one article from the journal to write a short review, 1-2 pages.  Paper will be graded on completeness of thought, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.  All reviews should be word processed. Details are provided in attached document.



Assignment #3
Assignment: Article Review
You are required to review a professional journal related to civil engineering. Choose one article from the journal to write a short review, 1-2 pages.  Paper will be graded on completeness of thought, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.  All reviews should be word processed and contain the following items.

Citation: see below for example of APA citation style for journal articles

(paper copy) 
Oguisso, T. (1999). Professional nursing in Brazil. International Nursing Review, 43, 81-

(from an online database)  
Kavanagh, K., Absalom, K., Beil, W., & Schliessmann, L. (1999). Connecting and 
becoming culturally competent: A Lakota example. Advances in Nursing Science, 21, 9-
31. Retrieved March 26, 2001 from ProQuest/Nursing Journals database. 

(online, on a web site)
Outbreak news. (2001, February 23). Weekly Epidemiological Record, 76, 57-64. 
Retrieved February 28, 2001 from http://www.who.int/wer/pdf/2001/wer7608.pdf

Authors thesis: a brief statement or two on the main focus of the article

Authors argument: A review of the article stating how the author supported the thesis
Reviewers opinion: Write a brief paragraph on why you agree or disagree with the authors thesis and how this article relates to this class/program.