2 Cup 2 0 Healthy Menu Putting Theory Into Pract

2 Cup 2 0 Healthy Menu Putting Theory Into Pract

Healthy Menu — Putting Theory into Practice

1. Create an original, well-balanced menu for 1 day (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks). Your menu should include at least 25 grams of fiber AND less than 300 milligrams of cholesterol for the entire day. The menu must:

  • Include accurate portion sizes – For example, 1.5 cups of Cheerios — do not say “1 bowl” or “1 serving”
  • Have realistic amounts and types of foods – would someone actually eat what your menu recommends?
  • Be specific — tell what kind of the product it is, indicate the brand. For example, yogurt can be fat free or whole milk, regular or Greek, with different amounts of sugar or sugar substitutes added. Be specific about the details. Is the coffee black, does it have sugar? What is your oatmeal made with? Is there a sauce or anything else added to the rice? Make sure to include all the details.
  • Have balance and variety – make sure you include adequate amounts from all food groups: fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy and/or high calcium foods, protein foods (animal and/or vegetable proteins)
  • Identify how many grams of fiber and how many milligrams of cholesterol is in EACH food item. I suggest you do this in a chart form (see below example and use the attached form).
  • Provide the total grams of fiber and the total milligrams of cholesterol for your entire day’s menu.

Be sure to provide the references you used as your source for the fiber and cholesterol contents of the foods. Note: If you used nutrition information from the product package, indicate this with an asterisk (*).

2. Reflect whether it was easy to create a menu with the desired amounts of fiber and cholesterol. What were your challenges?

EXAMPLE for menu format:


Portion size

grams of fiber

mg of cholesterol



Quaker Old Fashioned oatmeal (cooked)

1 cup




Whole milk

1 cup





1/2 cup





1 tea sp


Total for the day

X grams

Y mg

Z kcal

*Fiber and cholesterol information taken directly from product package

Menu Record Judging Portion Sizes Suggestions for Assignment 3

Alternative assignment format:

If you are interested in adding a creative element to this assignment, you have the option of submitting it in a different format. You may submit the assignment as a PowerPoint presentation that features photos of your recommended meals.

For example, take a picture of each meal that you have created for this assignment, and then list each item in the meal with its portion size and corresponding fiber and cholesterol information. Be sure to include all the required elements listed in the assignment directions, including a final slide with your reference list.


Healthy Menu Assignment -1

Healthy Menu Assignment -1

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMenu is well-balanced and includes good variety of all food groups

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMenu is specific about food preparation and items added

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMenu provides grams of fiber in each food, as well as the total for the day. Reference is provided for source of fiber content. Total fiber content is 25g or more.

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Menu provides milligrams of cholesterol in each food, as well as the total for the day. Reference is provided for the source of cholesterol content. Total cholesterol content is 300mg or less.

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome All questions are answered, including reflection on creating the menu.

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Assignment is in correct format — title, appropriate font size, Reference List with corresponding in-text citations, etc.

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Used appropriate English grammar, sentence structure, with no errors in spelling, punctuation and/or capitalization.

5.0 pts

Total Points: 50.0